Friday, January 18, 2008

Under One Roof

We got our house today. Well... kinda. We're going to sign the lease tomorrow :P So, if nothing goes wrong, we'll finally have a place to call home.

So anyway, been a pretty normal 2 days(?). Nothing much really. Just life as usual. Except for the fact I now need to learn Java, MySQL, Hibernate, Struts, Apache Ant, Eclipse, jxl and Android. Oh yes, and CVS. Quite a challenge but like I said, I'm so way over my head that I can't even see the bottom =) Ah, took a snapshot of my poor empty desk and the coffee I grabbed from the cafe downstairs.

Great pizza at Pizza Chicago. Went there for dinner. Zhikuang and the uber big mugs. Andy and his grin. Too lazy to edit the colour for the photos =) Just another day in SV :P

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[exit IF boring OR != interesting]

What's it about Silicon Valley that makes it Silicon Valley? I don't really know. I haven't really been here that long. But I suspect it's the fact that anyone with a passion for technology, a passion for life and who dares to believe can succeed. Perhaps it's time to put down that conservative mindset and dare to believe.


I used to read about it. Now I'm living it.


Anonymous said...

heyy! i finally can comment leeee!! hehe. :D anyway you're dearly missed.


AA said...

Hahaha, thanks Ms Sheares!