Thursday, January 24, 2008


Thought I might as well get a post in before I head off for the weekend =)

And this one comes with graphics. Hahaha.

You know how they always post museum pictures of those mega-companies when they were just starting up. Well.. here's my group's. N
ot exactly a multinational company in the making but still =P

Ohhhh... fina
lly a photo of my room and a random shot of zk's Cooper's odometer. Pity I couldn't get those really cool scarecrows. Or sculptures. Not really sure what they were but damn they were impressive.

Lousy scenery shot of the hills surrounding the Bay area. Think these are the south and southwestern ones. Not exactly the best shots. You can't really tell how majestic those hills are until you see them. And it is a real pity I couldn't get a good enough angle to snap those with snowy peaks. Yeap, snow-capped hills. I could see them from our driveway. Real cool stuff.

Anyway, found Krispy Kreme. FINALLY. AT LAST! Donuts are sitting on the counter right now. Yay. And of course, the poor risotte that didn't make it. I think I turned up the heat too high during the simmer phase. Bleah.

Snapshots from Calif. Will be back with a ton more from Tahoe.

Don't make me worry, would you?



Matt said...

krispy kremes are glorious. nice blog!

iriansan said...

where's your promised post 5?